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The Year of the Rat is Coming, Cute Mouse Lantern for Fun

www.lanzhou.cn2020-01-22 15:14

The pace of Spring Festival is getting closer and closer. The year of “rat” is coming. Reporters saw on January 9 that all kinds of cute mouse lanterns at the West Lake Park were warmly sought after by the citizens, and they stopped to watch or take photos.

The West Lake Park has been decorated in a festive manner. The reporter noticed that most of the lanterns in the garden used rat as the elements. One by one, mini rats are wearing new clothes or scarves on their necks. The cute cartoon is very attractive. All kinds of beautiful lanterns make the whole park colorful. “These lanterns are really exquisite. They will look better when they are lit at night.” Mr. Li, who is playing in the park, said to the reporter while watching the lanterns.

