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Guandong Candy
发布时间: 2020-02-12 10:01 稿源:中国兰州网   编辑:ZhaoZijun

Guandong candy is an ancient traditional name. It is not only a food for Spring Festival, but also a sacrificial product (offer sacrifices to kitchen god). In the past, it was said that on the 23rd day of the last lunar month, people will sacrifice to the kitchen god and buy some cooking sugar made of maltose, such as sugar melon and Guandong sugar. When he went to the Jade Emperor to report to him, people asked him to have a lot of good words. Besides, The mouth of the kitchen god was sticked sugar on to prevent him from saying more. There is such a saying in Beijing: “God of kitchen rises to heaven - speak more good words.”.

“Guandong candy” is a kind of sticky sugar made from yellow rice and malt. It is called “Guandong sugar” when it is drawn into a long stick, and “sugar melon” when it is drawn into a flat circle. Put it outside the house in winter, because the weather is very cold, the Guandong sugar is solid and there are some tiny bubbles in it. It tastes sweet, crispy and sticky, with unique flavor.

稿源:中国兰州网   编辑:ZhaoZijun