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Gansu "Hua er"
发布时间: 2020-03-05 11:06 稿源: 中国兰州网   编辑:ZhaoZijun

"Hua er" is a folk song form circulating in the vast area of Qinghai, Gansu and Ningxia provinces (districts). "Hua er" is a nickname of "teenager". Young man sings "teenager" and young woman sings "Hua er". "Hua er" is said to be at least more than 400 years old. The content is colorful, the form is free and lively, the language is vivid, the melody is high and beautiful, is full of life breath and the local characteristic, is deeply loved by Hui, Han, Tibetan, DongXiang, Tu, Sala and other nationalities. In addition to agricultural labor and mountain freight and other labor occasions, there are "Hua er Party", generally in the Lunar April, May and June, the masses gather together, songs rise one after another.

Gansu "Hua er" is not only a kind of performing arts, scientific research is also an important aspect of non-legacy protection work, which has long been recognized in the academic community. Heritage is historical, past, but we also want to see it change and develop. "Hua er" is a multi-ethnic co-creation, shared enjoyment of the rich folk songs, its literary value, historical value, social value are favored by researchers.

稿源:中国兰州网   编辑:ZhaoZijun