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Primroses in Lanzhou Bloom to Usher in Spring
发布时间: 2020-03-19 10:29 稿源: 中国兰州网   编辑:ZhaoZijun

  Every winter would come to an end and winter would always come. On February 25, on a hillside in Lanzhou bloomed primroses, which heralded the approach of spring.

  After hard struggle against the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia epidemic, the production and life in this city has gradually returned to normal.

  Let’s continue our efforts to prevent novel coronavirus pneumonia in warm spring and work hard for a new year.

稿源:中国兰州网   编辑:ZhaoZijun
新闻ID:011945027 新闻标题:Primroses in Lanzhou Bloom to Usher in Spring 首发编辑:ZhaoZijun 发布时间:2020-03-19 10:29 最后修改:ZhaoZijun 修改时间:2020-03-19 10:29