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Shui Zi
发布时间: 2020-03-26 10:30 稿源: 中国兰州网   编辑:ZhaoZijun

Born in Lanzhou, Gansu, originally from Zhejiang, the word was Chuqin, was a Gongsheng(scholars recommended by local governments in the Ming and Qing dynasties) of the late Qing Dynasty , graduated from Gansu Liberal Arts College, Beijing Law and Political School. A famous educator in Gansu, and his students were all over the world, was good at calligraphy and poetry, was a talent in political law, Buddhism, poetry, calligraphy, in Lanzhou had the reputation of first celebrity in Long.

Shui Zi, was born in Qing Guangxu Decade (1884) Xinguan Tanyun Lane, Lanzhou. At the age of 18, because of restrictions on his origin, ShuiZi had to go to Yuzhong County, where his uncle had settled, to take part in the county test. As the second of county test , the first of Fu test(Exam at different levels in the Ming and Qing dynasties), the first of Yuan test, became a YiXiangSheng (FuSheng), which was commonly known as "XiuCai(one who passed the imperial examination at the county level in the Ming and Qing dynasties)". After a short time, ShuiZi was selected to the Gansu Liberal Arts College as a "XiuCai" and the village test recommendation papers. In the summer of the First Year of XuanTong (1909), Gansu TiXueshi(Chief Executive of Education) Chen Cengyou presided over the examination of official fee students, ShuiZi took the test again, and finally entered the BeiJing Law and Politics School with excellent results.

ShuiZi's four years in Beijing were the most turbulent in Chinese politics, he and our country experienced a super fission from thoughts to spirits. Back in his hometown Lanzhou, ShuiZi became an educator, and since then, because of his own achievements, he was recognized as a famous scholar, poet, calligrapher of modern times. His achievements in calligraphy mostly appeared in two aspects, running handwriting and cursive handwriting, it was elegant, flowing and powerful.

During the republic of China, ShuiZi served as the principal of the first middle school in Gansu Province, the county chief of DiDao (present-day Lintao), the acting secretary-general of Gansu Province, the director of the Gansu Autonomous Preparatory Office, the director general of the Gansu Provincial Education Department, the director of Gan, Ning, Qing KaoQuanChu (one of the civil examination institutions of the Nanjing National Government). Secretary-General of Anhui Provincial Government, member of the Central Examination Institute, etc. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as a member of the Northwest Military and Political Affairs Committee, a member of the First Standing Committee of the CPPCC Gansu Province, and the first deputy director of the Gansu Province of the Democratic Revolution.

稿源:中国兰州网   编辑:ZhaoZijun
新闻ID:011952424 新闻标题:Shui Zi 首发编辑:ZhaoZijun 发布时间:2020-03-26 10:30 最后修改:ZhaoZijun 修改时间:2020-03-26 10:30