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Lanzhou Marathon Park: blossoming verbena and intoxicating sea of flowers
发布时间: 2020-07-21 13:54 稿源: 中国兰州网   编辑:ZhaoZijun

Every July, all kinds of flowers are in full bloom in Lanzhou Marathon Park, especially the purple verbena whose scent permeates through the whole park.

Lanzhou Marathon Park is located in the central beach on the north bank of the Lanzhou section of the Yellow River and echoes the Sports Park on the south bank. Jinyan Yellow River Bridge spans between the two parks from the west side.

To the north of Lanzhou Marathon Park, there is Gansu Grand Theatre, Gansu Convention and Exhibition Center and other urban buildings that echo the Park at a distance.

Lanzhou Marathon Park covers an area of about 116,000 square meters, of which the green area is 96,600 square meters. In 2019, according to the demand of the management committee of the Yellow River Style Line Scenic Spot for "big group, big color block, large scale" and "one park, one theme", a sea of purple verbena is created in the Park. After the careful maintenance that lasts more than a year, the verbena has been in full bloom, which has a long flowering period from the end of May to October.

In the park, there are more than 200,000 verbena plants, perennial flowers such as coreopsis basalis, gaillardia pulchella, echinacea, hemerocallis fuava, and Chinese rose, and cleome spinosa, calliopsis, and youth-and-old-age. The flower planting area is more than 70,000 square meters, accounting for more than 60% of the total area of the park. The combination of the colorful blocks of flowers and the unique sports theme has created the dynamic "flower sea" along the riverside, which is deeply loved by the general public and has become a popular scenic spot along the Yellow River Style Line.

稿源:中国兰州网   编辑:ZhaoZijun