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Happy Xigu- a place shows the green development of an old industrial base
发布时间: 2020-09-11 09:36 稿源: 中国兰州网   编辑:ZhaoZijun

As the song Ballad of the Yellow River sings of Lanzhou, "Water from the Yellow River flows constantly, passing my hometown and through Lanzhou." Xigu District is the first place that the Yellow River visits in Lanzhou from the Liujiaxia reservoir. It has the ancient Hekou town, which was born alongside the river, is a guard at the west gate of Lanzhou; the estuary of Huanghe River, Huangshui River and Datong River in Dachuan, which looks like an oil painting; the story of Li Xizhu's construction of "Jincheng Town" that has a history of a thousand years and the name "the cradle of petrochemical industry" in New China that has lasted for over 60 years.

On August 14, a large group of journalists from Lanzhou went to Xigu to explore the secret of the prosperous Xigu, and to unveil its development story from an old industrial base to a new green district.

The change of Yuantuomao from a disgusting and smelly water ditch to a clean and bright leisure venue wins praises from the citizens.

  In recent years, Xigu District sticks to the principle of green development and puts the focus on river and floodway management for improving the living environment along the floodway, effectively promoting the high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, and to approach the goal of "making the Yellow River a contributive river for the people" step by step.

稿源:中国兰州网   编辑:ZhaoZijun