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"Chinese Famous Noodles" Meet in Lanzhou and 2020 China Pasta Expo Unveiled
发布时间: 2020-12-07 10:17 稿源: 中国兰州网   编辑:ZhaoZijun

On December 1, the 2020 China Pasta Expo was unveiled in Lanzhou. Dozens of "Chinese Famous Noodles" such as Wuhan hot dry noodles, Beijing noodles with fried brown sauce paste and Shanxi shaved noodles gathered together to present a gluttonous feast of Chinese wheaten food culture and catering brands.

The theme of this Expo is "Promoting wheaten food culture and exploring the future of wheaten food". At the opening ceremony, the "Food Safety Local Standard for Lanzhou Beef Noodles" was released to standardize the technical requirements of production, test methods, inspection rules, signs, packaging, transportation and storage of Lanzhou beef noodles. The standard lays a firm foundation for the industrial development of Lanzhou hand-pulled noodles with beef. Zhao Jingqiao, Executive Director of the Research Center on Service Economy and Catering Industry of the National Academy of Economic Strategy, CASS, and Huang Hao, Researcher of the Research Office on Service Economy and Internet Development of the National Academy of Economic Strategy, CASS, delivered keynote speeches on "Research and Judgment on the Development of Catering and Wheaten Food Industry in the Post-COVID-19 Epidemic Period" and "Development of Digital Economy and Catering Industry", respectively. Lanzhou beef noodles, Japanese ramen, Italian pasta and Malaysian noodles were produced in front of the viewers on the spot.

Show delicious food from all over the country and famous noodles from all over the world. At the sub-venues of the Expo, more than 20 domestic brands of wheaten food, including Beijing noodles with fried brown sauce paste, Shanxi shaved noodles, Sichuan noodles in chili sauce, Shaanxi oil spill noodles, Jilin Yanji cold noodles, Henan stewed noodles, Hangzhou noodles with preserved vegetable, Kunshan aozao noodles, Zhenjiang pot cover noodles and Lanzhou beef noodles, were displayed on the same stage. It is learned that 30 representative special wheaten food enterprises with well-known brands in and out of the province displayed 138 kinds of prepackaged wheaten food products, ready-to-eat foods and fast foods such as instant noodles, instant rice, instant porridge and instant seasonings at the Expo.

稿源:中国兰州网   编辑:ZhaoZijun