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The Second Future Space Technology Summit Forum Opened in Lanzhou
发布时间: 2021-09-24 14:29 稿源: This is Lanzhou   编辑:周文渊

  Lanzhou, China, September 10 (All Media reporter Wei Ning). On September 10, the second future space technology summit forum hosted by China Optical Engineering Society and Lanzhou municipal government opened in Lanzhou. Domestic aerospace experts and scholars gathered to exchange and discuss advanced space power technology, space safety and protection technology, provided suggestions for the progress of aerospace industry and the high-quality development of Lanzhou.

  Lv Yueguang, academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering and permanent member of the science and Technology Commission of the Central Military Commission, and Zhang Weiwen, deputy secretary of the Lanzhou municipal Party committee and mayor, delivered speeches successively.

  Lv Yueguang said in his speech that the development of the aerospace field has an increasingly prominent impact on the country’s politics, economy and military. Space resources have become the strategic commanding point of national interests. The future development and construction of space will mainly focus on three levels: space technology, space application and space science. Countries all over the world have increased investment in aerospace scientific research and equipment. In particular, in recent years, long-term progress has been made in the integration of heaven and earth network technology, star cluster intelligent control and space security, which has a profound impact on the future national economic construction, national security, scientific and Technological Development and social progress. It is hoped that this forum will focus on the needs of major national scientific and technological projects and promote scientific research, technological development and planning demonstration, build an academic exchange and cooperation platform for various research institutions.

  Zhang Weiwen said in his speech that at present, focusing on revitalizing “made in Lanzhou”, Lanzhou is vigorously implementing the strategy of “strengthening the city through industry”, accelerating the development of military civilian integration industry, especially aerospace and future space technology industry, and striving to build a high-level aerospace industry cluster in China. To achieve this goal, it needs the wisdom and support of industry experts and scholars, and more new technologies When cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements such as new processes and models are introduced into Lanzhou, we will actively promote the transformation and application, and help Lanzhou seize the highland and win the first opportunity in regional development.

  The forum will focus on six aspects: space-based information network technology, intelligent remote sensing and multi domain information fusion application, space safety and protection technology, advanced transportation and support technology, advanced space power technology, vacuum and advanced surface engineering technology and basic frontier theory.

稿源:This is Lanzhou   编辑:周文渊