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Lanzhou Saozi Noodles
发布时间: 2022-12-28 14:55 稿源: 中国兰州网   编辑:王莅勤


Lanzhou saozi noodles is a dish made of flour, which is a famous traditional pasta in Lanzhou.It is said that it evolved from the "longevity noodles" of the Tang Dynasty and became a good treat for the old people's birthday, children's birthday and other festivals, which means "longevity and longevity". The workmanship of saozi noodles is exquisite: first, it is made of pork, yellow flower, fungus, egg, bean curd, garlic sprouts and various seasonings; then it is kneaded repeatedly with alkaline water and noodles, and then rolled into a uniform thick and thin skin, finely cut with a kitchen knife and cooked in a pot. When eating, first scoop noodles, and then scoop saozi. If there is more soup and less noodles, saozi is delicious. The soup tastes sour and spicy. The noodles are long and thin, and the tendons are tough and refreshing. It becomes a delicious food suitable for all ages.

稿源:中国兰州网   编辑:王莅勤